In a nutshell, your results are as accurate as the current science can make them.
It is important to note that all family ancestry results are estimates, based on a comparison of your DNA to our range of reference samples. Many populations are themselves formed from the mixture of other populations. Our algorithm will attempt to match you directly to a population/region, where we have it in our reference database. If we do not have your population represented, if we have a low sample size for a region, or if there is further population structure within that population/region (think migration and displacement due to war or disease, for example), then it is difficult for us to give you an exact picture of your heritage from that location based only on your DNA.
Because we know that deciding where your ancestors lived hundreds of years ago by looking only at your DNA is a tough problem to tackle, Living DNA uses the world's most advanced DNA testing technology - a custom version of the latest data analysis technology. Each of the 650,000+ locations we look at on your DNA represented at least 15 times, allowing us to present your results with high precision and accuracy.
Additionally, the systems and software we use to analyse and interpret your DNA have been designed in partnership with leading academics from Bristol and Oxford University and in collaboration with over 25 other experts. In short, we did our research so we can help you with yours.
Your Living DNA membership includes free ongoing upgrades in the ancestry platform. In the future, if, we are able to provide finer detail within our existing regions, or we can offer additional features in the ancestry platform, your online results will be updated automatically (not applicable to printed results). Please check our website and follow us on social media for the latest news!
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